Monday, March 19, 2012

Haha! It's funny if you think about it!

Hey there imaginary people that I think actually read this blog!!!!!
Well I tried to renew this 849 page book that I borrowed from the library here online and it wouldn't let me do it! Then I go to the library and say hey it wouldn't let me renew online and they tell me, ya it's because it's been requested by 4 other people! OMGOSH!!!! That's SO STUPID!!!! I like Elko better where if you wanted to read the book, you had to wait TILL THE OTHER PEOPLE WERE DONE WITH IT!!!! So, now the lady gave me an extra couple days to return it. Which means I have to read 711 pages BY THURSDAY!!!!!!! Which I wouldn't mind, if Inheritance wasn't mainly filler. OMGOSH!!!!!! So ya there's my rant about that.
Oh ya I also went to register for my classes today to find all but 3 full so I'm gonna go back onto the school website and see if any have opened that I need. Haha, doubt it but might as well see. GOSH HOW I HATE HAVING ONLY 12 CREDITS!!!!!! Well, now I'm done ranting entirely.

Well.....I guess that's it, went swimming with my roommates, my Relief Society President and a new friend I've acquainted. Now I'm gonna read till my eyes droop then I'm gonna go to bed. Yes sleep, which I need given that my roommates pulled the LOUDEST all nighter in HISTORY!!! (seriously I woke up at 2 hr increments till I couldn't take it anymore and told them to shut up). Well that's that, blog later. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Haha, it's been awhile.

Ok so I know that it's been a while since I've blogged anything, and I apologize for that. Hahaha. Ok can i just say I HATE UMBRIDGE!!!!!!!!! Ok sorry we're watching  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on tv and Umbridge is in that one and I swear if I was there and had a gun, I wouldn't hesitate 10 seconds before blowing her head off. Now I know that muggle creations can't work on Hogwarts, but trust me this one would!!!!!! lol ok, my rant is over but it might begin again later on.
OK, so I'm here in college and I have no money left so for the next three weeks, I'll be eating ramen for breakfast lunch and dinner. Ah the life of a college student. Oh, I also have no clue what I'm going to do for easter but that's two weeks away so I'm not going to worry about it.
Well that's all I can think of, I'll try to blog everyday....about something. Hahaha