Ok. I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time now and I've never been able to find a good place for it. But thanks to my sister-in-law Brittni. I HAVE FOUND A PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! So thank you Brittni, and all your wonderfulness, I enjoyed reading about all the craziness that is my brother and my nieces. All though I think Brookie (a.k.a. Burrito) has some competition with Arts new little girl cause she is WAY cute. But Burrito is cute as well and I'm probably just saying that cause I spent an entire week taking care of Art's 5 KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway. Ya very random. Hey the title of my blog is The Randomness of Me so ya it's all right there. Haha ok so anyway I've been wanting to do a blog and now I can do one. I may post everyday or week or month. Depends on how I'm feeling and what I want to share.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Ok so I got Senior group photo's taken with my three best friends in the ENTIRE WORLD and there's this website called Picnic. It is the best thing EVER!!!! So any way I decided that the photo's were a little plain so..................I picniced them. And let me tell you they turned out AWSOME!!! Here I'll show you.
Ok so I love this one this way. We just look awsome.
This one makes me think we're like in the 70's show. So it rocks.
This is my best buddy Amanda. I think she could pull off being a plus size model, but she doesn't believe me. She and I have been friends since Jr. High. Haha can you believe we became friends through learning how to play stringed instruments. WELL YOU BETTER!!!! I love her she's amazing. I wouldn't trade her, her beauty and her friendship for anything.
This is Amanda and Lea. These two have become the best of buds. They argue constantly but in a friendly way and it's so hilarious you just know that they're bantering. Haha. There's no way to take it serious. Haha.
Me and my best friend in the whole world Durinda. We get into MAJOR discussions over books and they sometimes turn into arguements about things that the other thinks did or didn't happen so we end up reading the book again to prove who's wrong. Haha. We also are writing like three books together at the moment. Haha.
Ok this pic that I did is BY FAR my favorite. I didn't know I could do this till ALL of the other pics were done. GRRRRRRRR!!! Anyway this is my best friend in the whole world Durinda.She is absolutely good looking and I think that she knows it too. She and I have the same nickname. We both get called Dede, but her's is D.D. Haha isn't that funny? and can you belive that our entire friendship started in our 8th grade math class. Haha because of me Durinda made it to Algerbra. That's also where we started writing our books. Haha. I love her and I know we're going to be friends for all enternity.

Ok so this is my BFF Lea. Isn't she gorgeous? She's funny,corky, loud, and after you get to know her a lot. She's WAY out going. She can talk her way out of anything and starts arguments for the heck of it. There mainly with Amanda and both of them have a mouth. I mean like a little less than a sailors mouth. Haha.She became my friend my freshmen year of High School. She know's that I'd be there for her in a heartbeat. Even if I was half way around the world.
Ok I liked this one cause it looked like a poloriod picture that was like from a long time ago. It gave it uniqueness. And Durinda and Lea are also interesting to be around. When you get these two in a room together expect someone to start hitting the other. Haha. or at least crank up the music.
Me and Panda, if you look closely you can see a smiley, a heart and a peace sign. Lol. Me and Panda have a blast. We love, We laugh, and We want peace. But whenever we're with eachother the most interesting things happen. That's probably because we're both dorks and love the same things. Haha.
And me. So ya as you can see I had fun with Picnic. It's amazing and it made these pics look 10x better. I'm not saying Sister Bates did a terrible job. She's an awsome photographer and young womens leader. But I just like making pictures unique in my own way. Haha.
Ok so there's my first post. haha.I'll post later. and I hope people read this other than my sister-in-law. haha (no offense Britt. I love you, you're by far my favorite sister-in-law. But don't tell anybody that.=D)