Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wow I'm tired.

Ok............these past days have been tiring. I mean that. I didn't go to bed till about 10:30/midnight and then I got up around 7 and cleaned and then I watched some t.v./movies. Then today I went to a birthday party. It was for Elaine's(who is a sister in my ward) little girl Irene. It went from 1:00 to 6:00 and it was at a hotel with a pool, so it was pool, pizza, pool,presents, pool,cake and ice cream, pool,go home. UGH!!!!! Talk about tired. Not to mention when I got home I had to finish cleaning the house because mom and dad were doing something.And right now they are watching t.v. NCIS I believe.

Oh I got a birthday present today from my Aunt Phyliss (actually she gave me $20 and I went and got it myself) it was The new Katy Perry CD, and some books. So that made my day. So other than.....OH!!!! I also got 6 DVD's for my birthday. There's,

 Voyage of the Dawn Treader

 Sydney White (which is a take off of Snow White)

 Stick it (I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!)

  and Knight and Day.
Hehe so I mainly got music, movies and books for my 18th birthday. Haha

Ok so this blog went from how tiring today was from what I got for my 18th birthday. Haha well I guess that's it. Blog later.

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