Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekly Thing

Hey there Imaginary Readers!!!!
Well I've decided that this blog is a weekly thing. So every week I shall post something completely random about my life. Ha ha ha, well I'm not sure if you're aware but I'm back in Wisconsin. I don't start another semester of school till January so I returned home. I missed my pets and parents to much and didn't have a job. Thus I'm back here in Reedsburg, Wisconsin.
First few weeks here I laid off trying to get a job because well I REALLY wanted to be lazy. But last Monday, Mom and Dad forced me into the car and we all went to Wisconsin Dells. I got a job interview and hired the same day. So I've been working at the Wisconsin Dells since Wednesday, and guess what? I'm getting nervous whenever I think about work. Either I don't want this job and I'm causing the nervousness myself, Heavenly Father doesn't want me to have this job and he's telling me through butterflies, or Satan doesn't want me to have this job and this is his way of seeming like it's Heavenly Father.
I like the job, the other employee's are great haven't met one that dislikes me, haven't made managers or supervisors really pissed at me yet, and if I'm lucky I can keep it till I go off to college in January. =)
I need this job. Why my body is acting the way it is? No idea.
Well that's it. I'll blog next week. Maybe my life will be a bit easier to deal with. =)

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