Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Life at BYU-I so far.

Hey bloggers!!! sorry i haven't posted since new years. Well i think you all should know that Move-In Day was a success. I met my roommate Dorothy, she's AMAZING! I love her so much. I also met Jay (Jonnie), she's a VERY recent convert and i'm so excited to have her as my roommate. The next day I met my last and final roommate, Becca (Rebecca), she's cool too, she loves how talkative we all are. Haha. That was also the day that I drove jay all over the place so she could get her money for college. Haha. Then classes started. I love all of them. I especially love my American Foundations teacher though. He's AWSOME!!!!! After that things get kind of routine. Although on Saturday, I went with Jay and Becca over to Ian's( Becca's boyfriend) house and had a BBQ, that was REALLY good. We played games and then came back to the apt. and chilled. Saturday something really juicy happened between Jay and Troy (Ian's friend). Don't worry it wasn't something immoral. Let's just say after they said goodbye her and Troy started dating. Haha. Then we had church and now its back to routine. OH! We did meet our FHE brother's one of them is really cute and I doubt that he'll give me the time of day but I just wanted to point out that he was cute. Haha. We watched football for FHE. The team I was rooting for lost. Haha.  Well there you go my life at BYU-I so far. Well gotta go I have class in an hour. Blog later.

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