Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Resolution's

OK so first off, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!!!!! Alright so since this is the last day of the 2011 year, and as tradition it's time for my New Years Resolutions. No clue how many there's going to be but hey ok here they go.
1) Get A's and B's in all my college classes
2) Be a great Aunt, Daughter, Sister, and Sister-in-law.
3) Do my best in all the church callings I get
4) Do my best in everything I do.
5) Be worthy to enter the temple
6) Be a wonderful friend
7)Keep all my standards to the best
8) Lose 20 lbs and keep it off
9) Say Prayers, Read Scriptures, and Write in My Journal everyday.
10)Have fun and smile everyday.
Well look at that I had 10 haha. Well I guess that's it. Hope you all have a Happy New Year and that 2012 is the best one that you ever have. Blog later.

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