Monday, May 14, 2012

Sorry it's been so long

Ok so I'm not sure when I last posted and I apologize for that. I REALLY DO!!!! So ya I guess I'll catch you up on a few things, well it's a new semester. Dorothy is across the hall in 716, Becca and Jay who were best friends aren't anymore, Jay and Troy are not only broken up but not even friends. Jay went back to New Jersey to work last Friday(so sad that she's not here) and we have a new roommate who is WAY awesome. Her name is Breana, she's a sophmore(4th semester), she's majoring in bio, and is a very fun person when you get her out of her shy shell. Durinda is up here at BYU-I with me and is my roommate and it's been great having her here with me! A whole drama thing happened between Dorothy, Jay and Ian. Don't want to get into it, I've been doing nothing but homework for the past month. I literally have no money whatsoever. I have two guys that like me (well one that i know likes me and the other one I'm still not sure but he hints that he does, I just wish he would come right out and say it, GOSH!), Isaac and Blake are their names, going to see Avengers with Isaac next week, saw Dark Shadows with Durinda, it was good, I laughed a lot. Hahaha.And I think, oh wait, Alejandra and April are expecting. so those are two more additions to the family.

Well there you go all caught up. I'll blog later this week. Blog later.

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