Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A New Beginning

OK so My friends and I got into this extremely long conversation last Saturday, about something I figured was done and over with, come to find out (Saturday) it wasn't. So anyway the night ended up with all one feeling sorry for me, the other most likely confused, and one went from anger to ok i'll work it out and me crying myself to sleep thinking that this was the end of our awsome friendship. So anyway when I woke up Sunday morning I had an epiphany (sp?), we shall do a journal, and it shall keep us together and friends, because what's in the journal stays in the journal, and whatever drama we have is in the journal and shall not come out amoung us!! HAHAHA!!! I am BRILLAINT!!!! So this is the start of a new beginning and hopefully this will help restore ties between us and make us stronger.

Panda and I at the Graduation Party. Haha We're dorks.

Leave it to Durinda and I to get into trouble.

What can I say, Lea and I are such DRAMA QUEENS!!! Haha.

Gotta love us!! A new beginning is just what we need!!!!

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